We have two more new papers both on the status of bird populations in Taiwan, led by Da-Li Lin at UQ. One paper “Taiwan’s Breeding Bird Survey reveals very few declining species” has been published in Ecological Indicators, showing that there …

New paper in Ibis
Our new paper “Using empirical data analysis and expert opinion to identify farmland-associated bird species from their habitat associations” led by Da-Li Lin at UQ has been published in Ibis. See the abstract below and read the paper here. Agricultural expansion …
Tatsuya’s plenary at ESA-SCBO2022 is now available online
Tatsuya’s plenary on why language barriers matter in conservation and how we can tackle the issue, at the joint conference of the Ecological Society of Australia and the Society for Conservation Biology Oceania 2022, is now available online here (under “Morning …
Contribution to a new book: Transforming Conservation: A practical Guide to Evidence and Decision Making
We are very excited to see the release of a new open access book: Transforming Conservation: A practical Guide to Evidence and Decision Making which is edited by Prof William Sutherland, and authored by 76 experts from around the world. The …
New paper in Integrative Conservation
Our new paper “Trends and progress in studying butterfly migration” led by Shawan Chowdhury, previously at the UQ and now at iDiv, has been published in Integrative Conservation. This study reviewed studies on butterfly migration published in six languages (English, Simplified …
New website of Kaizen Conservation Group
We are extremely excited to announce the release of the new website of our Kaizen Conservation Group! Check out here for our research, members and latest publications.