Author: Tatsuya Amano

New paper in Landscape Ecology

Dali Lin, who Tatsuya collaborated with as the Associate Advisor of his PhD project, has published his final chapter of the thesis in Landscape Ecology: “Designing biodiversity-friendly landscapes: the effects of landscape heterogeneity across scales on bird species richness in Taiwan”. …

New paper in Nature Reviews Biodiversity

A comment piece “Assessing diverse values of nature requires multilingual evidence”, led by Violeta Berdejo-Espinola, has been published in the first issue of a brand-new journal Nature Reviews Biodiversity! In this piece we reiterate that global assessments, such as those by …

New paper in Trends in Ecology & Evolution

Excited to see our new review article “Language barriers in conservation: consequences and solutions” now published in Trends in Ecology & Evolution! This is an outcome based on 5 years of work at our translatE project, supported by over 130 collaborators …

New paper in Global Ecology and Conservation

Another outcome from Tatsuya’s collaboration with Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology has been published in Global Ecology and Conservation: “Does forest loss and fragmentation reduce woodpecker-associated ecosystem functions?”. Woodpeckers play a critical role in the forest ecosystem, as they not …

Kelsey awarded the best student presentation at ESA2024

We are extremely pleased to hear that Kelsey Hannah has been awarded the first prize for an outstanding student spoken presentation at the 2024 Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia in Melbourne! Kelsey delivered a talk titled “Understanding the flow …

New paper in Journal of Wildlife Management

A new paper “Inconsistent scientific methods hamper the management of drone use near birds” has just come out in The Journal of Wildlife Management. The paper, led by Josh Wilson, a PhD student Tatsuya co-supervises, compiled 61 studies on drone-induced bird …

New member

We are very pleased to welcome our new member, Elize Ng, to our group! Elize is a postdoctoral research fellow working with Prof Richard Fuller and Dr Tatsuya Amano to develop a comprehensive conservation action database for shorebirds along the East …

translatE awarded UQ Research Culture Award

Another big achievement for the translatE pojrect with all project members and collaborators – we have been awarded The University of Queensland Research Culture Award for the Conduct of Research, Reproducibility & Open Research Practices.

Tatsuya and translatE announced as equality and diversity champion

Tatsuya and the translatE project has been announced as the British Ecological Society’s 2024 Equality and Diversity Champion! This annual award recognises an individual or group who have campaigned to highlight the importance of equality and diversity and worked to make …